Sculptra Buttock and Hip Augmentation

Whether you wish to enhance your curves, restore lost volume or smoothing out dimples, Sculptra
buttock augmentation is a great non-surgical option for most patients. Sometimes, no matter how many
squats you do, or spin classes you take, you still aren’t happy with what you see in the mirror. While
surgical options do exist, they are invasive, painful and have a lengthy recovery process. Secondly, not
everyone is a candidate, patients with excess skin, or those who don't have enough body fat are not
candidates. Buttock augmentation using Sculptra is a great option for anyone wishing to have a fuller,
shapelier butt, without invasive surgery.

Sclulptra, also known as Poly-L-Lactic Acid, is a safe, biocompatible synthetic sugar made up of many
individual lactic acid units, it comes in powder form and is mixed with sterile water to inject. Lactic acid
is a substance that is found naturally occurring in your body. Sculptra has been FDA-approved for
cosmetic use since 1999, and Sculptra treatments of the face have been performed on over 200,000
patients in more than 30 countries.
Unlike traditional fillers, when injected deep into the dermis of the skin, Sculptra stimulates the body’s
own collagen. By increasing collagen in specific areas, this process allows us to sculpt the body and
correct dents, wrinkles, and folds to enhance your natural features. In addition to smoothing the face,
BeautyFix has found that Sculptra also works wonders on the butt and hips. Without the expense, risk,
and downtime of a Brazilian Butt Lift, you can see comparable results. By strategically placing Sculptra
into the hips and or buttocks, we can create a more desirable body shape. The gradual effects of
Sculptra will build up over the next few months, providing a natural and often undetected improvement
in your appearance. Most patients require 1-2 treatments and the areas vary from patient to patient,
the consultation process will ensure that we address your individual needs.