Botox is Allergan’s trade-name for the protein and neurotoxin Botolinum Toxin. The protein is used cosmetically as a muscle relaxing injection for the treatment of wrinkles. As we age, skin loses its elasticity, and dynamic wrinkles begin to form. Botox is the most effective skin treatment for subtly tackling the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles. It also prevents new lines forming by relaxing the facial muscles and reducing excessive facial movements. Lines and wrinkles will be smoothed out and you’ll be left with a youthful, glowing appearance.


Dysport is an injection used to temporarily improve the look of your moderate to severe frown lines without changing the look of your whole face. The untreated facial muscles still work normally, allowing you to freely show facial expressions, such as smiling, in untreated areas. Get to know more about Dysport, including how it works and what to understand before you start treatment.


1. What does Botox treatment involve?

Very small amounts of Botulinum Toxin are injected into the target areas using a tiny needle. This blocks the impulse from the nerve to the facial muscles, reducing the contractions that cause wrinkles. Following the treatment, the skin over the muscles looks smooth and even.

2. Does the Botox Injection Hurt?

The needle used is very fine and only a tiny amount of substance is used so pain is minimal. No sedation or local anesthesia is required.

3. How soon will I see results from Botox?

You’ll start noticing improvements in two to three days. The overall effects will be visible in about a week.

4. How long will results from Botox Last?

The effects from Botox can last from three up to six months, at which point you can book a top-up treatment. Clinical studies indicate that this treatment has a cumulative effect, so you should need fewer injections as time goes on.

5. Are there any side effects from Botox?

Only tiny amounts of Botulinum Toxin are used, so this treatment is not harmful. The most common side effects are temporary and localized bruising, slight redness of the skin and occasionally slight swelling at the injection site.